Rhinestone Tees and More
Altered Art Expressions has become RHINESTONE TEES AND MORE. I have always been "crafty" and i have taken a new turn in that field. I fell in love with rhinestones and love working with them. It gives me time to think as I place each stone. I have also love sublimation printing on various items. I hope you enjoy my new journey into another aspect of the "arts".
Time to Clean Out the Closet!!!!

Computer crashed!

Cricut Scrabble Tile Bracelet
This bracelet was also made with the scrabble tiles. The letters were cut with my Cricut Personal Cutter.
Cricut Key chains
I was sitting here the other day and was not inspired to create art work and wanted to play around with my ever ending stash of jewelry findings, beads, tools etc. etc. etc. So I thought what could I do with them.
Key chains! But not any ordinary key chains, key chains for a specific type of lady (or gent) that could get a kick out of these.
First of all I apologize for some of the not so great pics. My new camera decided to belly up and they want $90 to fix it. No I did not take out the insurance when I bought who would have thunk! Lesson learned! Hey for less then $90 I can buy another one new.
Here is the first key chain:
Baby Cakes
Circa 1965-1969

30 plus years we have been looking for each other. Irene had a couple of my pictures from high school. OMG!!! I laughed with tears rolling down. So I decided to share them here.
The far upper left picture is my freshman or sophomore year at Villa Maria Acedemy. Hair could not touch the collar of your uniform, when you knelt down that uniform better hang an inch down on the floor. NO jewelry, no bows in your hair and nylons with those ugly black penny loafers. Oh and did I mention that the uniforms were wool and long sleeve white blouses that were NOT permanent press? Oh they were so uncomfortable! And so hot in the summer.
Well I only went to Villa for 2 years and then my parents had me transferred to Cheektowaga Central where I graduated in 1969.
The middle pic is about 4 years old and represents me now and the one on the far right is my graduation picture from 1969. Those were the days!
Golden Digital Grounds
CLICK HERE to watch the videos at Golden's site. There are two videos to watch and you will be just as anxious as me to go and buy some! Can you say ROAD TRIP?!?!?! LOL!
Let me know what you think of this and if you have tried it. If you have any other tips to add please do!
Rachel The Traveler

One More Time!

Ok I showed these cupcake pops to my daughter Gennifer and suggested that perhaps my grand daughter Kennedy and her could make these. Well she tells me no way! OK! So 2 days later I get this phone call and the next thing I know we are off to the store to buy the supplies to make cupcake pops. LOL!
What a process it was! We made about 50 of these little chick pops and they came out pretty good. My grand daughter lost interest after a while and did not want to help. Trust me she licked as much of the chocolate that she could, do you think she went to bed early all sugared up? NOT!~ LOL!
It was fun and we have these pops all made for her day care party on Friday. I think we had enough of them for a while...or until the next time Ms Bakerella tempts us with more of her creations. I still think the idea of chocolate cake with peanut butter would be soooooooooo delicious.
Cupcake Pops

So I decided that I was going to attempt some of these sweet creations. I want to make them for one of the gals at work who's birthday is next week. So we did a trial run to see if I could make something decent.
Here they are all made up ready to be dipped! Now it is a messy job but I discovered that if you wet your hands the cake will shape better for you. Now don't get them too wet. Shake off the excess water and begin rolling them. Now it was hard for me to tell what the size of them were. So i made mine a little bit smaller then a golf ball. Ah that is way toooooooo big! Why you ask? Hmmmm because they become top heavy and fall off! Trust me! Further more Bakerella can get 45-50 from a batch and I only had 29. So i had to make them smaller. As a reference to size...Tootsie Roll Pop size. Perfect!
Here are the instructions for the basic pops! See if you can resist them! :)

Ok now my pictures of this process are not the best. Bakerella has got that on me! She takes the best pics of her work and just makes you want to reach out and touch the screen. But I was in a hurry and thought I would try and capture the moment.
You should put them in a piece of styrofoam to stand up in but I did not have any and I was not going to make another run to the store. So my son came up with this idea of placing them in the egg carton. It worked for a while but my top heavy first attempts were falling over and UGH what a mess that was! LOL! The egg carton worked for this time and I will buy one tomorrow so I have it when my daughter and I do them on Tuesday! Yep showed them to her and she wants to make them now. Ok!
The End Results

It was fun to do and I even had my 20 year old son in the kitchen with me helping out. It's good to have an extra hand with you when you are doing this. His job was putting on the sprinkles. Oh and how do they taste? DELICIOUS! I used a lemon cake with vanilla frosting. But I have been thinking here all afternoon that chocolate cake with peanut butter frosting??? YUM~
If you decide to make them let me know. Email me or leave a comment with your blog so I can see them!
Arch Challenge that i Missed :(

New Tim Toys!

Ok so I got a few new toys to play with (like I really need more stuff) and most of them were from Ranger. I used my favorite Distress Inks and the alphabet mask. Now I always use cosmetic sponges to apply my ink but I broke down and tried Tim's blending tool and I kind of like it. What the heck a girl needs some new toys now and again! LOL!! Stamped a couple of images using the paint dabbers.
Relaxing this afternoon!


This is a 6 x6 covered canvas that I applied paints for the background and then glued my image with gel medium. Crumpled some tissue paper and glued it down with gel medium. I them dry brushed it with paints and then covered it with textured paper that has been sitting around for a long time. I then dry brushed with more paints and shoe polish. The metal word was silver that I painted black and then added black embossing powder.
Altered Frame

Spring is HERE!!!!
The images of the little children are from PID. All the other material that I used to alter this can be purchased at Michaels even the Easter cards that are 3 dimensional. They have some incredible things for Spring and Easter!
Enjoy the new Season!

It was simply FANTASTIC!!!!!

Well the show was a hit as it has been for the last 49 years which is the longest running show in American History. I am so glad that we had the opportunity to witness history. The Vegas Show girls were beautiful, talented and smiled through their entire performance.
Les Folies Bergere was at it's finest! Now I believe the show originated back in the late 1800's. I wish I could tell you the next time you are in Vegas to see this show but sadly it is coming to an end the 27th of March this year. The dancing, singing, acrobats and of course the costumes! MAGNIFICENT!!!
There were also a Chinese Twin Brother Acrobat act that was awesome! And then the comedian Michael Hill I think...I forgot his name (dear me) was funny.
We had great seats right in front and it just could not get any better then that! Oh what a night it truly was!
My first Vegas Show!

Folies Bergere has been running for over 50 years and it will be closing it's doors later this month. I am really excited about going to see this one.
Hmmmmm maybe I better take my camera and see if I can get some pics!
OneWorld-One Heart Two Winners will be chosen!
What I have for this wonderful event are TWO prizes to give away!
The prize package will contain a signed and dated ATC that are framed in their own gold frame. Along with the ATC I will also include a package of Clear stamps from Inkadinkadoo! It will be random who gets what package.

I am so thrilled to be able to participate in this event! Please make sure that I have a way to get in contact with you in case you are the winner. I will announce the winner on Feb. 12! GOOD LUCK!
Halloween Project

I had to make a pumpkin for a contest at work. I love vintage Halloween and I saw a similar project in a magazine. So I decided to give it a go! He is made with 3 craft pumpkins that were spray painted black. A feather boa around his neck to keep him warm. Rather then carving his face we used a textured paste to create it. His hat is made from card stock that I swiped with gold ink and made black dots. Large chenille stems for his arms and a clay flower pot for the base. It was fun and I love him! No we did not win the district contest but what the heck! He was getting banged up at work and losing his parts. I brought him home for safe keeping! He stands nearly 3 feet tall!
It Rained Last Night!!!