I have had my melting pot for a long time and I bet I can count on my two hands how many times I have used it. I try and try and it never comes out for me. Well as we all know Suze Weinberg posted her latest Photo Show for all of us to see. Hmmm...I thought I have all the things that is required for this project well why not give it a try.
My mother's 87th birthday is coming up and she has everything! It is always so hard to get her something that will delight her. We all know that our mothers are always our biggest fans of our art. :) She is going to love these!!! Trust me they look so awesome in person!!! I can't wait for her to see them.
So I made these for my mom. Dad has been gone for almost 8 years and I found this pic I had of him. The pic of the gal is of course my mother when she was in high school. Now that was a long time ago! HA HA! Good thing she is not on the internet.
I made these according to Suze's Photo Show with a little bit of variation. Instead of using the clear UTEE I used black because I did not have enough of the clear on hand. Instead of using chipboard or cardboard I used my little samples of formica tile that I had laying around. I also stamped into the hot UTEE with a rubber stamp on my dad's piece.
For my mom I wanted to use the foil that I had but how was I going to get that to stick? I dipped the tile into the UTEE and then placed the foil on top of it. Oops it cooled to quickly, so I took my heat gun to it and heated it up! WOWSER!!! It wrinkled and shriveled up and went into the groves...OK so I took it off and VOILA! I am going to try that again using some smaller pieces on it. I am very pleased for my very first time.
These are absolutely gorgeous Lori! I think Suze may have gotten you going but you certainly took it up a notch.
Beautiful work Lori! I'm sure your mother will love your creations.
Wow, Lori. These are fantastic! it looks like you've been doing it forever. I need to get mine out and play. I have it all too, and never try it. Kathy
Great job, Lori! Mom will love them!
These are quite beautiful. Your mother will love them. Great work.
Kudos to you Lori. Really nice work!
Lovely, Lori! Your mother will be thrilled!
Good Job...they are beautiful, what a great gift.
I just ecently discovered your blog, but it will become a regular stop. Come by to collect an award. :)
Your mum is gonna be so pleased with this gift - they turned out beautifully
Lori, thanks for stopping by. I cannot believe that mine is the first award you EVER got! You have a fabulous blog and inspiring art! Award 5 others who inspire you and make THEIR day too! :)
Okay, and ONE more thing (really two). Your pins (?) for your mom are stunning. What a great use for formica chips! And I subscribed to your e-mag. I can't get too much inspiration!
I love these pieces Lori. I am sure your mom will love them. I know I would, now that my hubby is gone. I am going to have to play with my melting pot and see what I can come up with. Thank you for sharing!
Your art is always very inspiring, Lori....love the pieces you created for your mom.
Hop on over to my blog, a suprise awaits you :)
Hugs, Gayle.
wow these are fantastic bet your mum would adore such lovely gifts.
Beautiful work and fantastic blog... so glad I came by!
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