
Polka Dots


Anonymous said...

This is GORGEOUS !!!

Inka said...

Love this Lori! I will have to remember your string trick! that is soooo kewl!

joanne wardle said...

I just love the colours on this! it's gorgeous

Gayle Page-Robak said...

This is beautiful, Lori...I find it it peaceful, don't know why, perhaps the tones. Very lovely.

Anonymous said...

I love this! How big is your letter? Where do you buy large letters from? I've been looking for large letters, I need one that is at least 8 to 10 inches tall. Any ideas?

A Note From The Queen said...

I love this, I love how much is going on in this piece. I feel like I could look at it for a long time and still see something I missed before.