
Poem Excercise

Millande had this exercise posted so I did my version of it. You can download a file from her site and use them but I just printed off some words of my own and followed along. This is my tribute to her!


Jill said...

Love this!!

Unknown said...

OOps you are making me blush :-)) So glad you got inspired to do your first Art Journal is incredibly freeing to write in a journal letting go of the expectations to "produce art" but simply enjoying the process of playing with paint ...
So glad you shared ...and thanks for your kind words about my videos and website

Beth said...

This is very cool...Lori. I should start a journal too. Looks like fun. Beth

Lindart said...

Love your style and colours Lori! And I always love dots, I'm a sucker for dots! Can't wait to see more!

Cindy Roland said...

You are the master!! Love this!
Hugs to my dear friend.